First Day Of School

Today was my oldest daughter’s first day of Kindergarten. My wife stays home with both my daughters (ages 5 and 4) and has ever since they were born. Needless to say, she had mixed emotions today. Excited to see her baby take that next big step…and apprehensive and sad to see her baby take that next big step.

So we get to the school and escort my daughter to her room to make sure she gets settled in. The teacher (who we had met last week at “Meet The Teacher” night) was talking to a group of parents and said “I have to admit that I’m the teacher that you’ve heard about who accidentally let a student get on the bus when he was supposed to be picked up by his parents last year”. Uh…great…thanks for putting all of us first-timers at ease. But my daughter was in line and ready when we came to pick her up.

My wife said that today was the longest day of her life. We (me, my wife and my youngest daughter) ran some errands today and went to some fun places so that my youngest would have a special day too. Approximately every 15 minutes my wife would ask what time it was. But overall she handled the day pretty well.

The most touching part of the day happened this morning when we were walking up to the school. My youngest girl was having almost as hard a time as my wife. She and her older sister have spent pratically every day together for the last four years. We could tell she was going to miss her closest friend. As we walked across the lawn my youngest daughter spied a little patch of buttercups and went and picked two of them. She handed the shorter one to her sister and said “Here, you take the small one and it will remind you of me. I’ll keep the big one to remind me of you.”

Everyone together now. Awwwwwww…

Why Texas Is Better

The Wall Street Journal has a good article/interview with Rick Perry. In it he talks about how Texas has been able to sustain higher economic growth rates and employment amidst the sagging national economy and how fiscal conservatism is the GOP’s ticket back to the game.

Who’s Sorry Now?

Well. For those of you experiencing buyer’s remorse, here is the “Official I’m Sorry I Voted For Obama Website” where you can register your regret and, I assume, offer up your apology to the rest of us more level-headed, thoughtful voters.