Who’s To Blame?

So, Obamacare passed and it passed without any Republican votes. So who’s to blame for the miasmic mess that resulted from last night’s vote?


Every Republican that is sick about the time wasted on this ridiculous health care bill; who is sick about the process and dirty deals it took to get this bill passed need look no further than their mirror when looking for someone to blame. I know that everyone is saying that since the Dems passed this without any Republican votes that they own it. That is certainly true and it doesn’t take a political pro to know that there will be some Democratic heads rolling come November. But Republicans need to remember one thing when lamenting this new health care mess:

Elections have CONSEQUENCES!

Every Republican congressman and senator that went spend-crazy between 2000 and 2008 needs to look in the mirror and realize that this is their fault. They are the reason (not Bush alone) for the losses in the House and Senate in 2006 and 2008 that gave Democrats these majorities and this opportunity. Every Republican primary voter who decided that nominating a geriatric, ideologically fuzzy curmudgeon for a presidential candidate would be a good idea, needs to wake up this morning and say, “This is my fault.”

Like I said before, elections have consequences. Let’s hope this coming November that the consequences play out in our favor. If they do, and Republicans can gain a majority in the House and/or the Senate (extremely unlikely) let’s make sure that we do everything we can to get the bulk of this nonsense repealed.

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